
凯伟半导体(Kiwi Semiconductor)发表KA909A PixMateTM, Analog System-On-Chip for Advanced CCTV and IP Cameras

The KA909A PixMate is Kiwi Semiconductor’s new companion integrated device targeted at the security market. Designed on a robust and cost-effective Analog CMOS process, the PixMate is optimized for use with Pixim’s chipset solutions for security
cameras. Kiwi Semiconductor has integrated the camera’s analog functionality
into a single chip, working in close collaboration with Pixim’s system engineers to ensure the best in functionality and performance. The product is fully qualified and in production.

PCB area savings of 50% over competing implementations.

Power-on reset combines analog and digital circuitry to deliver delays of over 100ms without requiring large external timing capacitors. This feature enables

  • power-up while delivering fast reaction time for brown-out detection.
  • The on-chip Coaxitron receiver includes a DC restoration stage to ensure stable operation even under harsh conditions.
  • The KA909A’s built-in low power analog crystal oscillator circuit enables the use of very small crystal devices.
  • Active filters and bias networks are included in the KA909A to ensure stable and repeatable performance, temperature stability and power efficiency.
  • High output current drivers for Iris Control and Day_Night actuators are optimized for stability and silicon area.

    Detail About KA909A PixMate, Analog System-On-Chip.