
Greenliant - Wearable Police Cameras

Body-worn police cameras have been in use for only a few years, but interest from law enforcement agencies is growing rapidly. In a recent survey conducted by PoliceOne, 77 percent of the officers responding said they perceive wearable video cameras as more effective than in-car systems. This same survey showed that durability is one of the most important features for an officer-worn camera system. So it is no surprise that NANDrive embedded SSDs were selected for the storage of critical video in a new wearable surveillance camera prototype.

The manufacturer selected 16 GByte commercial temperature PATA NANDrive to replace CompactFlash cards, which were used in previous video cameras. The manufacturer liked that NANDrive is embedded and cannot be removed, and is resistant to dust and vibration. The customer also chose NANDrive over CompactFlash cards because NANDrive is more robust and reliable, meaning it will last longer in the field—an important factor for law enforcement investment.